Foreign Judgment

Legal Assistance for Foreign Judgment

If you are looking for legal assistance to confirm a foreign judgment in Portugal, Almeida & Amaral Advogados is the right choice for you. Our highly qualified and experienced professionals are ready to offer a high quality service, ensuring that your process is carried out efficiently and effectively.

Why choose Almeida & Amaral Advogados?

We understand that confirming a foreign judgment can be a complex and challenging process. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing the best possible legal assistance, helping you navigate this process with ease. Our professionals are committed to providing a high quality service, ensuring that all of your concerns are addressed and that the process is completed efficiently.

How does our service work?

We handle a variety of cases including:

  • Judgment of separation and/or divorce decreed in Brazil: we can help you confirm the judgment of separation and/or divorce decreed in Brazil directly in Portugal, ensuring that your marital status is updated.
  • Public deed of divorce drawn up at a notary in Brazil: if you have a public deed of divorce drawn up at a notary in Brazil, we can help you confirm it directly in Portugal, in order to update your marital status.
  • Acknowledgment of paternity by the Portuguese relative in Brazil: if your Portuguese relative has recognized paternity in Brazil, we can help you confirm that sentence in Portugal.
  • Other cases: In addition, we are ready to help you with any other case involving the confirmation of a foreign judgment in Portugal.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The analysis and confirmation is carried out by the Judiciary where the sentence will be analyzed and ratified.

The requirements for the homologation of a foreign judgment vary according to the legislation of the country where the judgment will be confirmed. In Portugal, it is imperative that the judgment is final and that it has been handed down by a competent court.

The homologation of a foreign judgment is a necessary legal procedure for the judgment enacted in Brazil, for example, to produce effects in Portuguese territory and can be used as a way of exercising a right from this confirmation.

Yes, it is possible, but the process first requires the approval of the foreign judgment by the Lisbon Court of Appeal.


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